“Give it up for team 2!” Mr Burt excitedly exclaimed. Team 2 walked onto the stage with the fake book masks from the production - the boxes were for a robot look because they were doing a space rap. I thought it was cool. They included all the planets except for Planet X.
Then it was time for team 3 - team 3 did a video about space it showed how things work in space. My favourite part was how the person in the video explained how to use the toilet in space. It was humorous when he said “If you see a shooting star guess what it could.” That was because he had told us about how the astronauts sent their waste out of the spaceship and into the earth’s atmosphere where it would burn up.
“Ladies and gents give it up for team 4” Mr Burt announced.Team 4 did a wiggles clip on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. All team 4 people were ballerinas and did pirouettes, leaps, twirls and pivots with pom poms. Mr Somerville played the guitar and lip syncced the song.
After this fun-filled morning we walked back to class, well keen in learning about space.I think my friend Nathan will be good at space because he learned about space in health camp. But I am really excited about learning space stuff too.